Parish Community Groups

As the People of God, we are blessed with many gifts that can be used to serve the Church. Our Parish Community Groups come together, commit their time, and utilise their talents to proclaim the message of Christ. Explore our various parish community groups, we’ll be delighted to see you there.

Sacramental Preparation Team

Comprising school and other parish personnel who co-ordinate the preparation and celebration of the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Eucharist and Reconciliation for school aged children

Baptism Preparation Team

Prepare families to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism and assist in keeping our families connected with our parish community

Visitation to the Sick and Homebound

Provide pastoral care to those who are homebound, sick or in residential care

St Vincent de Paul


Preca Community

The Preca ministry focuses on young people, youth and young families from all cultural backgrounds. As a community they strive to be holy so as to inspire others to be holy, to learn so as to make Jesus better known and loved and to be community builders. 

Come and See Youth Group

Provide opportunities for social and spiritual activities for our young people and for families, including gatherings on Friday evenings, weekend excursions and an annual camp.  Youth take leadership roles to lead groups and larger activities. A parent group has also emerged from these gatherings, meeting and sharing their faith.

Nazareth Wise Owls

Offer community members aged 50+ years with engaging activities, encouraging social interaction, creative expressions, intellectual stimulation and healthy lifestyle choices.

Hospitality Groups

Community members who build community through organising  social activities such as coffee after Mass

Blue Army Rosary Group

Prayer group that gathers weekly to pray for our community through the Rosary

Parish Pastoral Council

A consultative planning body, comprised of members called from the community, which   collaborates with the parish priest in the development of the parish, working together as partners in furthering the mission of Christ in our parish

Finance Team

Appointed to help manage the finances of the Parish

Maintenance Team

Assist in identifying and overseeing the maintenance of our church, grounds, gardens and religious articles to preserve these significant assets

Social Media Team

Assist in managing the Parish Website and Facebook Pages

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