The Sacrament of Reconciliation (previously known as Confession) is a Sacrament of forgiveness celebrating God’s love and mercy for us. Reconciliation is acknowledging those times when we know we have made poor choices, making peace and restoring relationships with those who have been affected by our choices.
Reconciliation allows us to acknowledge our errors and receive the forgiveness of God through the Ministry of the Priest. Through this process, a person is reconciled with the Church (the Body of Christ), renews their Baptismal promises, and is strengthened in living as a disciple of Jesus.
When will the celebrations take place?
Children Baptised in the Catholic Church will celebrate The Sacrament of Reconciliation during the Season of Lent and before celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation and receiving First Eucharist.
For all other enquiries regarding Reconciliation or for an appointment with our Parish Priest, please contact the Parish Office Ph: 08 8346 3901 E: